Jumat, 15 November 2013

7 Tips membuat Slide Presentasi PowerPoint Lebih Cantik

Selamat pagi teman-teman, kali ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit tentang bagaimana caranya mambuat slide presentasi kita lebih menarik. Tips ini sebenarnya di tulis oleh Eugene Cheng di slide presentasi nya yang berjudul "7 Tips To Beautiful PowerPoint", saya hanya ingin mejelaskan maksud Eugene disini dalam bahasa indonesia yang mudah di mengerti :)

Langsung saja, berikut 7 tips nya :

  1. "Supersize your message" atau dalam bahasa yang mudahnya, besarkan pesan anda, kuatkan dan beri pesan anda power. Cheng mengatakan bahwa pesan yang ingin kita sampaikan di slide presentasi itu seharusnya dibuat mencolok dan mudah ditangkap mata, mudah di ingat, mudah di mengerti. Presentasi bukanlah dokumen, yang harus kita penuhi dengan kata dan kalimat, cukup isi satu slide anda dengan satu topik, jika memungkinkan lebih baik isi dengan satu kalimat pesan per slide nya.
  2. "Make use of imagery" atau "gunakan perumpamaan". Tampilkan ide anda dalam bentuk visual. Gunakan image dan gambar untuk mengilustrasikan ide anda. Gunakan simbol dan ikon yang sesuai, karena simbol dan ikon memiliki arti dan bisa memberikan arti pada pesan anda.
  3. "Take type seriously" atau "Seriuslah dengan masalah pengetikan" atau dalam bahasa mudahnya, seriusin masalah pengetikan. Gunakan 3 font yang berbeda untuk membuatnya menarik, dan hindari penggunaan font mainstream atau font-font yang sudah biasa kita gunakan sehari-hari.
  4. "Use color wisely", bijak-bijaklah memilih warna, karena warna adalah representasi dari emosi. Perhatikan kontras warna, teks atau isi slide harus kontras dengan background atau latar nya.
  5. "Make information interesting", buat informasi yang ada di slide kita enak dilihat. jangan gunakan tabel dan chart yang ribet. buatlah tabel dan chart yang ada menjadi lebih sederhana.
  6. "Map out the structure", berikan perbedaan mencolok untuk setiap struktur penulisan. Misalnya, dengan memberikan font besar dan warna yang mencolok pada judul dan poin-poin penting.
  7. "Keep it stupidly simple", buang semua template-template yang ada, biarkan saja slide nya jadi simple tanpa banyak gaya. Usahakan untuk menampilkan satu pesan saja per slide. 
Nah, itulah 7 tips membuat slide presentasi menjadi lebih cantik dari Eugene Cheng. Selamat mencoba ya ! :D

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

8 Top Recommended Sites For IT Environment

And here it is… we have some helpful websites for you who have a variety of hobbies, such as coding hobby, photography, writing blogs and even play games. Check this out!

1. Ideone.com 

 For you who like programming, love to trying new programming language but do not have a variety of compiler on your computer, ideone.com is the only one website that you have to try.
Ideone.com is a website that provides much compilers and a text-editor (IDE) online, where you can create a program with any device although it does not have any compiler installed.

Ideone feature allows a user to save and publish their work online, so you don’t have to worry anymore if you want to access the code on another machine. Try it now !

2. alexa.com

Alexa.com is one of the must-know website for a websiter, so don’t be surprised if this website's name sounds so familiar. 
In alexa.com is available information about top rank sites and information about page rank and traffic of a website. So you'll know, how famous are your blogs and websites on the internet? 
Just try this one out ! 

3. pixlr.com 

Want to edit a picture or photo? But you don’t have photoshop or another photo editor application on your computer? 

Don’t worry, just visit pixlr.com. You can edit your pictures without need to download another application, because the application we will use is a web-based applications that run in the browser. 
This photo editor application is available in : www.pixlr.com/editor/.

4. Can You Run It?  (systemrequirementslab.com)

Canyourunit.com, is a website that must be known by all gamers. Usually, the gamers will find it difficult to know if he can run a game that he wanted to buy or not, there are some cases of a gamer wasting his money because the game has been purchased could not be run on the his computer. 
For that, a lot of gamers rely on this site. This site will explain the ability of a computer owned by someone that wants to run a game. 

On this site we can know whether our computer can run the X game or not, then how about the Y game? can or not. You can find out by yourself how good the website is.
Come on, check it out! 

5. sourceforge.net

Do you like to use open source software? If you answered yes, of course you are already familiar with this one. 

At sourceforge.net you can download all free open source software. Trust me, you can rely on this website to the problem of the availability of open source software.
 For your information, sourceforge.net apparently in cooperation with IBM corporation. They provide a special page, called "IBM Smarter IT Services" that contains the IT journals and various clues about new technologies such as cloud computing and smarter data center.

6. speedtest.net

Do you want to know the speed of your internet access? Existing software on the modem is not accurate? Then, you can take advantage of this great website.

Speedtest.net is a website that has features that can be used to measure the speed of your internet access. Even you can compare the speed of your internet access with the average internet's speed in your city.
The fact is, the default software  in dial-up modem which we use also appeared to be inaccurate. The software will show better results than the present. This is due to marketing reasons from the modem manufacturer. So for you who want to know the real speed of your internet access, please try this website. Check it out! 

7. zoomtemplate.com

On the internet there are many bloghoster, whether it is paid or free such as blogger.com, wordpress.com and many more.

Then, here it is, for you who like blogging and bored with the default view provided by your bloghoster, this website could be your solution. At Zoomtemplate.com is available various kinds of cool templates for your blog. You can choose a template according to the type and category you want and you can to download the template you have chosen for free.

Free? Yeah, of course. At zoomtemplate.com there is a menu for those who want to submit their templates that can be downloaded for free. Then why do not you try it? Come on, try this on!

8. dafont.com

Have you ever wanted to make an invitation card, poster, cover or postcard designs but you feel bored with the fonts in your word processing application like Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer, etc.)? Then Dafont.com is the website that you want to help your problem.
At Dafont.com is available over than 7500 fonts that you can download for free. So you can stop using Arial, Comics Sans MS or Times New Roman to cover your invitation or card. 
Then, why do not you give it a shot?.
Check them all at dafont.com and make your design more beautiful with new unique fonts - Rizki Ramadhan.